目前分類:[SCM] IBM Rational ClearCase (2)

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引入base clearcase apply label的觀念,再加上make baseline by import label,就可以達到依據不同的label建立不同的baseline,而不會侷限在有變更才可以建立baseline!這樣的方式相對彈性許多!


cleartool lsbl -short -comp doc@\twm_vob

cleartool lsbl -short -comp doc@\twm_vob -stream twm_eva_developer@\twm_vob

cleartool rmbl UT_Test_Passed_doc_IMPORT@\twm_vob
移除某一條baseline(這個動作會將對應的label type也一併移除)

cleartool mkbl -nc -import -comp doc@\twm_vob,src@\twm_vob UT_Test_Passed@\twm_vob
以import label的方式建立baseline,這邊要特別注意,最小的單位是component,也就是說label要貼到某個component中所有的檔案,否則無法建立
baseline baseline的naming rule是

unclepooh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

最近好幾次碰到這個問題,create view的時候,會有permission denied的錯誤訊息!


Error: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied

Technote (FAQ)


This technote explains why attempts to use IBM® Rational® ClearCase® Remote Client (CCRC) or ClearCase Web (CCWeb) result in Permission denied errors along with instructions to resolve the issue.


The full error message will look something like this:

Unable to access the version data for "C:\ccweb\user1\xyzzy\noncomp\makefile": error detected by ClearCase subsystem ccweb: Error: Operation "fileutl_tmpfile_ext_binary" failed: Permission denied.

Note: If the user with this problem is granted Administrator rights to the Web server, the issue appears resolved, but will reoccur as soon as those rights are removed.

Another symptom appears while attempting to edit the config spec or create a new view.

Edit config_spec:

The GUI will erroneously show that there are NO version selection rules.

Adding in rules and attempting to update the view results in the error:

Problems performing setcs.
ccweb: Error: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied.

Creating a new view:
Unable to create the view at c:\ccweb\user1\view1
 Error detected by clearcase subsytem
 Created view
 Host: local path: host1
 Created a snaphost view directory
 errors - unable to create temporary file - permission denied

The cause of these problems relates to ClearCase using a directory for temporary files where the user who is accessing the server does not have the rights necessary to create temporary files.


Edit the ccweb.conf file and edit the line:

-tmpdir {Drive and directory where users have "full control" rights}

Note: If there is a ccweb.conf file present in {Rational Install Directory}\ClearCase\var\config, edit that file.

Otherwise, copy the ccweb.conf file

  • from {Rational Install Directory}\ClearCase\config\ccweb
  • to {Rational Install Directory}\ClearCase\var\config.


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